Celebrating My Life of Living Well. Domestic and Otherwise.

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Look What the Easter Bunny Brought Me!

Who needs chocolate bunnies, jelly beans and peeps when I got two boxes from Amazon!

Amongst other titles for the family where my first batch of the newly released hard bound Penguin Classics with cloth covers designed by Coralie Bickford-Smith. Initially only available in the UK in 2008, they were released in the US last quarter of 2009. It took me a few months to order them from Amazon but here they are and I can't wait to complete the entire collection!

My eldest daughter is already devouring Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll with Louisa May Alcott's Little Women in waiting. What a wonderful way to discover these classics for the first time!

Some additional reading for you over at Vogue and some interesting interviews with Ms. Bickford- Smith at Design Sponge and Caustic Cover Critic.

Here are a few of my favorite covers, which ones do you like best?

So much for not judging a book by its cover!


  1. oooh -- lucky you!! I have been coveting these! (and great pics - most comprehensive coverage of the covers I've seen). First ran across them at Anthopologie - they carry a small selection. I collect books, and already own most of the books in the series, but that hasn't stopped me thinking about what a great gift they would make for others. Or, a wonderful gift for your child - their own library to grow up with and take with them!

  2. Sanity Fair, you are absolutely right- what a wonderful gift they would make for a child, a tween or teen! Even a nice housewarming gift too for a literary and design savvy friend! Thanks for planting the idea in my head.
